Descriere: acest mod introduce rangurile din battle field 2 in serverul de counter strike + capture flag ! Rank`urile se fac in functie de cati playery omorati ! Pentru a vedea rewards scrieti "/bf2menu" ! rankurile se vor vedea cand puneti mousul pe un player ! il veti vedea si in partea stanga de jos ! mod`ul contine si niste power up pe care le puteti vedea in "/bf2menu" !
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bf2_active (1|0) - Turns the plugin on or off - Default 1
bf2_badges (1|0) - Turns the badge system on or off - Default 1
bf2_awp (1|0) - Is user given an awp or scout by having the sniper badge - Default 0 (scout)
bf2_xpmultiplier (1|0) - Changes the kill multiplier needed to reach each level - Default 0.1 (15 kills for rank 1, 20k kills for top rank)
bf2_sql (1|0) - Switches between SQL and vault saving - Default 1 (SQL)
bf2_icon_time (float) - Amount of time to display the rank icons for. Default 1.5, 0 to disable icons all together.
bf2_flag_kills (int) - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for capturing a flag
bf2_flag_round_kills - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning a round
bf2_flag_match_kills - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning the match
bf2_flag_min_players - CS flags - Min number of plays before above points get awarded
bf2_help_url (string) - remote folder where the bf2 web docs are stored (optional) do not include the trailing /
bf2_badgepowers (1|0) - enable/disable the powers for the badgess
bf2_hud_options "abcde"
say /bf2menu - Shows the Main Menu
say /who - Shows a list of player and their rank
say /whois
- Show the rank and badges of a specific player
say /whostats - Show the stats page for a player
say /hud - Redisplays the HUD
say /ranks - Shows the kill xp table
say /help - Displays a Help MOTD
say /badges1 - Displays a Help MOTD on some of the badges
say /badges2 - Displays a Help MOTD on the rest of the badges
say /badges3 - Badges 3
bf2_addbagde - Gives a badge to player. Requires Ban admin access. Badge <0>. Level <0>
bf2_addkills - Adds to a players kills.. Also requires ban access
say /bf2stats - Show a list of your kill data
Dupa ce ati downloadat mod`ul dati extract files...
Daca va apare sa dati yes - yest to all dati yes to all !
Apoi mergeti in C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\configs\plugins.ini si adaugati urmatorea linie: